Monday, July 28, 2008

BTWT Editors

heehee I bet they didn't know I had this photo of them. ;)
Megan Tucker of AmericanPrim and Cindy Markovcy of Homespun from the Heart are the editors of BTWT.
Now most writers don't usually get along with their editors, right? They are the ones cracking the whip. Shouting demands that can't be done in the time frame the editor is expecting. You aren't friends with them.
Oh my goodness....I think a huge part of my enjoyment of being a writer at BTWT is that I get to work WITH these two ladies. That's right....WITH THEM! They never come across that any of us work FOR them.
Many a night has been spent tossing emails back and forth between us. Long hours spent chatting in IM chats discussing topics for future issues of the newsletter.Even longer hours spent talking about all the fun things that form our friendship and bonds us. heehee
I met Megan first. She and I were roommates at the Primmart Convention during the first year that it was held. We bonded and became vast friends on so many levels. During the next year, BTWT had some changes happen behind the scenes. When it all finished, Megan and Cindy were the editors.
I made the trip to Primmart Convention again and got to finally meet Cindy this time. Oh she can make me giggle! We all could sense that this partership was going to be fantastic!
I am so very proud to be able to say that I have never loved writing so much for something as I do for BTWT and it is greatly in part to the two of these incredible ladies.
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door

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