Friday, July 25, 2008

Putting Words to Paper

So I know that when you type to a blog its not really putting pen to paper but the concept is still very much the same. I have written in journals for as long as I can recall. Finding it very relaxing while at the same time somehow bringing out a new side to my creativity.

Words seem to float around in the back of my mind all day. Usually I hear something and its like a section gets filed away in my thoughts. I love the feeling of sitting down at my desk and writing those words out. Feelings and emotions flood forth. Sometimes it flows out like liquid from a pitcher to a tall glass. Other times I fight with them and they seems to drop like large chunks of ice. There are some nights that I just end up staring at a white screen and playing a dozen games of solitare!LOL

A few years ago I was in the Primmart chatroom and talking with some of the other gals that had gathered for the evening. So many different topics were brought up that evening. Everything from what had been cooked for supper that night to what some of us were going to be creating next for our websites. Lots of laughter and sheer fun as we all took turns getting to know each other just a little better. As the evening progressed, a few gals signed off and it slowly dwindled down to just a couple of us left.

The topic of writing came up in the conversation and I mentioned how I loved it so. That I had stacks of journals that on my death bed would have to be burnt before all my secrets got out!LOL It was that night in the chatroom that my life altered in such a wonderful way for me.

I was asked to write articles for Beneath the Willow Tree.

Really? But.......well you don't even know what I write. How is this going to work? I've never done anything "online" before. I'd only written things down that my own eyes would read again.
They giggled and said that I was going to be just fine.

Then a moment of sheer panic overtook me..... what would I write about?? Could I really create something from the words floating in my head that others would want to read? Oh I was starting to panic! LOL

She had given me full control of what I would write about and the style to which I would do so.
I must have sat up that first week just scratching ideas down onto my own paper filled journal. Some would work out. Others were ripped out and tossed away. I slowly began to find myself feeling calmer about the whole idea. I wasn't hitting a brick wall. The words were flowing.
The tales were coming to me in flashes and I was smiling.

I have now been a writer for Beneath the Willow Tree for almost 4 years. I have been blessed with a wonderful following of readers who enjoy my articles "Whispers from the Past". The feedback from each issue is what acts as the muse for the next whisper to start forming.

I thank my readers!
I thank the wonderful ladies at BTWT for letting me express my soul to others thru words.

Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of

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