Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tickle Your Fancy Tuedays

Ok so I am actually posting this on Wednesday but I had something happen that sort of took over my time on Tuesday.
I am here to tell you all about it now though! heehee
Oh my goodness this stuff is awesome to use for staining primitive dollies!!!!
I have been brewing two big pots of it and then pouring them both into my big dollie making plastic bowl. I don't have to add spices or vanilla to it. Everything is already in the ground coffee and it smells sooo heavenly!
I use a sponge brush and coat my primitive dollie parts in it and let her dry. Its leaving a wonderful rich color to her that I am just loving.
Oh and I'm thinking it probably tastes wonderful too...I just can't vouch for that aspect because I don't drink coffee! LOL
ENJOY! Place a bag in your grocery cart next time and....tickle your fancy!
Tracy(Cedara)Dunn of Thru the Attic Door

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